True Aerobic® Conversion Kit Case Study

Case Study: True Aerobic® Suspended Growth Model SG2872 ATU Conversion Kit Installed in Two Compartment Thousand Gallon Septic Tank Residential BOD5, TSS Introduction: On 7/20/2018 the True Aerobic® ATU Conversion Kit was installed in the second compartment of a 1000...

How a Suspended Growth Aerobic Treatment Unit (ATU) Works

How an Aerobic Treatment Unit (ATU) Works The Suspended Growth Aerobic Treatment unit (ATU) consists of an aeration compartment, diffusers, a clarification compartment and an outlet assembly. As the wastewater from the home enters the aeration compartment it is...

Why Your Septic System Eventually Fails

Why Your Septic System Eventually Fails Biomat Formation: Read more from West Virginia University Simply put, biomat formation in the drainfield is the reason your septic tank drainfield eventually fails. Ironically, the very bacteria that provides the septic tank...

The True Discovery

The True Discovery Aerobic Treatment Unit (ATU) technology has been used widely in the USA for well over 100 years. First used in Houston and Milwaukee USA to treat municipal, domestic, or household wastewater and later in the mid 1950’s to treat individual home...

Level Control

Level Control The most widely used septic system is the gravity flow system. It consists of two main components, the septic tank and the drainfield.  Wastewater enters the septic tank from the home via gravity flow. Wastewater leaves the septic tank and enters the...