NOWRA 2023 Mega Conference Presentation by RioVation

A Perspective on Treatment in the Soil vs Treatment in the Tank. Collectively, onsite systems in the US generate more than 4 billion gallons of septic effluent daily. This is likely a conservative estimate! This presentation looks back in history beginning with the...

True Aerobic® Conversion Kit Case Study

Case Study: True Aerobic® Suspended Growth Model SG2872 ATU Conversion Kit Installed in Two Compartment Thousand Gallon Septic Tank Residential BOD5, TSS Introduction: On 7/20/2018 the True Aerobic® ATU Conversion Kit was installed in the second compartment of a 1000...

How a Suspended Growth Aerobic Treatment Unit (ATU) Works

How an Aerobic Treatment Unit (ATU) Works The Suspended Growth Aerobic Treatment unit (ATU) consists of an aeration compartment, diffusers, a clarification compartment and an outlet assembly. As the wastewater from the home enters the aeration compartment it is...